Individual Therapy


Women’s Mental Health

You are mothers, wives, bosses, co-workers, sisters, friends, aunts, grandmothers, cooks, taxi drivers, maids, problem solvers, etc. You have a lot on your plate, and I guarantee everyone else is on the top of your list to be taken care of. Where would you rank yourself? Listen, even Wonder Woman had help and that didn’t make her any less powerful or effective. You need time for you. Most women put themselves on the back burner. You will go to therapy when you have time. You’re right. You might not have all the time in the world, but I promise you have earned 1 hour a week or every other week for you to take care of yourself. Women and men experience mental health differently and they need therapists who can accommodate those differing needs. I not only have a multitude of experience working with women, but I also have a passion for helping women overcome their trauma, learn that they count and matter, and support them in understanding just how strong and powerful they truly are. I am passionate about helping women find their voice and reclaim their power in their lives. You are incredible and beautiful. Let me help you find your inner warrior goddess.

“She remembered who she was and the game changed”~ Lalah Deliah


It can often feel like your trauma, no matter how big or small, is controlling your life. Honestly, without proper treatment it may continue to do so for a long time. Approaching the topic and even thinking about talking about what happened can cause extreme anxiety, and I understand that is the last thing you need. However, working through your trauma can be one of the most freeing things you could ever do for yourself and your life.  I have a history of working with survivors of trauma and I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and have recently completed training for EMDR. I have a client-led approach, so we only address what you are ready for, when you are ready for it. If you would like more information. please feel free to contact me for a phone consultation.


As a member of the LGBTQ community, I understand that it can be extremely difficult trying to build a relationship with a therapist who may not have the proper training or life experience to understand your needs. Most of my early training involved working with gender and sexual minorities at a local LGBT and HIV+ community mental health clinic. I have a unique understanding and years of training that have prepared me to work with diverse client populations. This includes understanding the mental health needs and the stigma and discrimination that goes along with being different in society. I have also worked with transgender clients, understanding their mental health as well as physical needs. I have worked closely with doctors and have been able to write letters for transgender clients for the purpose of surgery, name change, and in the past, hormone recommendations. I support not only clients but their families as well with understanding how to provide support, acceptance, and have compassion for the challenges ahead. I am passionate about making sure that gender and sexual minorities are given proper care and treatment in the field of counseling. If you would like more information please feel free to contact me for a phone consultation.

Anxiety & Depression

Currently, anxiety and depression are the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Yet, less than 40% of those struggling are actually in treatment. These are also two of the most treatable mental illnesses today. So why are you suffering in silence? It is not just in your head and no, you are not going crazy. You might just need someone to talk to so you can cope with your day to day life. I can help you create attainable goals and generate lasting changes. Maybe you lost your job, ended a relationship, have panic attacks out of the blue or just had your first panic attack, struggle to sleep at night, overeat or don’t eat enough, lash out at loved ones, feel fatigued from the minute your feet hit the floor in the morning, etc. You may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or both. Reach out, and I can help you determine if therapy is right for you.


I am a firm believer that our mind and body are, in fact, connected. There is enough research and I have worked with enough clients to know that this is a connected system and it needs to be treated as such. We get out of our bodies what we put into them. If we want to work on feeling down and fatigued you must also address our diet, exercise, and sleep patterns. Now does this mean I am going to throw you on a diet and ask you to work out 6 days a week….No. It does mean that cutting down on fast foods and moving our bodies (which they are made to do) could mean major changes for our mood and anxiety. I take this knowledge a step further with helping you to connect this to your mental health and overall wellness by teaching you to create effective and sustainable life changes.